Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Playtime ......

Even though Pepe is fully blind it most certainly does not stop him following Marley and biting him at least ten times a walk ...this picture is right before Pepe launched at Marley and bit his mouth !!!

Mr W took Lucy to school this morning but when Eve and I got back to the car Mr W pulled up with Lucy in the car and she was in a terrible state .. She was really pale and weepy and anyone who knows my Lucy knows she can have masses of bloodied skin hanging off and she does not cry ... I knew something was up .. She had a bad headache and when I got her home she went to bed and slept which is totally out of character ...
Eve is off school because she broke up last Friday which disgusts Lucy no end ... Her time will come ...
Mum and I have moderated our snack intake today by only having a Danish pastry each and a ginger and lemon loaf cake ...

Tomorrow Ninja and I are swishing in pretty dresses at some nature park in the wilds of Daventry ...

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