
By Ridgeback13

Coast path

Another slowish start again but this time with the promise of a clear sunshine filled day ahead. We decided to stay local and started by driving down to Lizard Point and walking both ways along the coast path from there. It’s a beautiful path, and we explored the Lighthouse (freshly painted spotlessly white against the blue sky) Lion Rock and the cliffs before having coffee in a little cafe overlooking the sea and the seals. There was a sea mist that kept drifting onto the land and retreating which made the place feel very otherworldly and beautiful. The cliffs were being invaded by something called the Hottentot Fig, a succulent covered in daisy like flowers, which was strangling out the native clover and other plants, but there were still lots of wildflowers everywhere.
We went up to the village to track down some apparently excellent crab sandwiches….ended up with a crab salad and a smoked mackerel one sitting in a pub garden.
From there, back home to pop some yarg cheese we’d bought in the deli into the fridge before setting off to walk from the house down to the next section of the coast path - lovely to be a few minutes from it. We walked south first to Mullion Cove, with constantly changing beautiful views of some spectacular coastline. We didn’t go down into that cove but decided to come back on the path rather than doing a loop along the road and through the village as we wanted more chance to be right by the coast with these amazing views, this time looking the other way. The blip is of Love Rock which I thought would have some interesting story behind it but it is apparently a mistranslation of ‘grey rock’…not so romantic!
You can just see ‘our’ beach in this photo, and we walked down there for a paddle and then some time dozing on the sand…..gorgeous! The water was so cold, but a lovely contrast to the warmth of the day.
We walked home and had a cup of tea before walking into the village for something for supper. Suddenly from nowhere the clouds came over and the temperature dropped dramatically, so we were glad we weren’t still on the beach! We decided not to have fish and chips but bought some salmon and new potatoes and came home to cook it. We were happily tired and enjoyed our yarg cheese and biscuits later whilst watching nonsense. Lovely day

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