just be

By justbe

Foxglove Beardtongue (Penstemon digitalis)

This is our first year planting foxglovebeardstongue. It's an early bloomer and has been so popular with all sorts of bees, bumblebees and bumblebee look-a likes.

"Can you imagine an old-time record player? The gramophone kind, with the little dog listening at the speaker horn? Each of the many flowers of the Foxglove Beardtongue look very much like that cone-shaped horn. And those flowers are sending a siren song to pollinators in your area! Who are these welcome guests? Bees, for starters! The most amusing bee-watching just might be the sight of a bumble bee wriggling her way into the depths of the frilly-edged florals–further and further until only the yellow- and black-striped bee behind is visible. The plant is considered to be crucially important to long-tongued bumble bees, several species of which are at risk of extinction.
The Foxglove Beardtongue is a completely different plant–a member of the Plantain family. It is not toxic, but was named “foxglove” because its trumpet-shaped flowers resemble a European foxglove. “Beardtongue” refers to one particular stamen of the five in the blossom. This stamen springs from a tuft of fuzz that resembles hair." 

For the Record,
This da came in hot with increasing humidity. Busy day here. Now it's getting dark and thundering!

All hands busy.

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