
By McCaviti

Broken (by shopping)

I don’t know why I feel compelled to go tall rather than wide every Wednesday, but here I go again (thanks RockArea)

These escalators seem to be permanently broken, summing up a very unsuccessful day shopping. In Civic I failed to set up a Uniqlo account (and left my shopping abandoned in store), then discovered the Green Shed (my daughter’s favourite op shop) is permanently closed. At Woden Westfield (where these escalators are located), I failed to find a new felting needle at Lincraft, and wore myself out. My shins feel permanently broken, disrupting sleep each night.

A brief nap restored my good humour and volunteering at Salvos I even found some thermals to keep my daughter warm on our upcoming cycling trip

Since our town centre is bizarrely named after the god of Wednesday, Westfield represents the modern ritual of self actualisation through shopping, and I have a long standing phobia of escalators (brought on by shopping with my mother as a five year old), it seemed the planets were aligning to make this my Wide Wednesday.

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