
By Number147


A synopsis of yesterday.

My sisters suggest writing it all down and, I guess, blip is my way of doing so.

I'm having a morning weep and am feeling overwhelmed.

Right, yesterday.

I waited for my niece, Ruby, in Love walk cafe (excellent) opposite the Camberwell sexual health centre, which made me snigger.

She's just finished her degree in Radiology and has a job lined up for September. She was brilliant with me cos my brain is a currently a lump of marshmallow. Lots of sensible talk.

Visiting is from one pm. Ruby spent over an hour detangling Florence's hair (what's left of it) with coconut oil and she plaited it. F felt instantly better.

A psychologist had seen F earlier. They are worried about her mental health and that she's not eating and said, this may all hit her in a month's time and be mindful that's a likelihood. A dietician had also seen her to talk about food.

Occupational health, Nichole, arrived whilst I was there. Loads of questions. Memory tests. Lifestyle etc etc. What floor she lives on, is there a lift, her job, does she have children etc etc.

She told Florence it's time to get out of bed and to sit up and eat at a table. She also took her for an amble around the halls. Florence did very well.

Dr Will, popped in. I recognised him immediately! I told Florence it was he who operated in the early hours of Friday. She thanked him.

A nurse, Caroline , came in and injected Florence with an anti blood clotting drug and gave her two forms of laxative as the painkillers make you constipated.

Food wise, she ate very well but I told Clive off for finishing off her cake and custard. She couldn't eat it so he did! How can the staff assess how much she'd eaten if he clears the plates?

There can be only two visitors so we'd been sitting in shifts until Ruby left. She lives nearby so I'll see her again soon.

At 7pm, we said our goodbyes. Clive cried, causing F to join in.

We walked to Whitechapel station and went out separate ways. A text later to say the train to Chippenham was heaving with Glastonbury festival goers but he'd found a seat.

I spent a bit of my journey with one and we had a good chat about music festivals. Apparently, you don't talk to other passengers in London. Bollocks to that.

I now know Camberwell enough to navigate short cuts which meant my step count didn't quite make 10k. I won't take the short cuts again.

Once "home", I had a group chat with my sisters, then Henry, then ignored a load of WhatsApp messages from others.

Today: Wednesday 

Florence had an anti sickness drip put in at about 5.30am. She's not happy.

Jess goes to Spain today until Sunday with her family.

Harriet, who I've known for all her life, has been working in Hong Kong. She'll be back by 11 but out again almost immediately, heading for Glastonbury. She's already packed.

So it'll just be me in the flat. Jess' mum has a fully equipped house in Croydon and says we may use it if we want. I'd rather be here. 

There, now I written what I recall, I feel I've offloaded. 

The morning phone pings have started.

I should be at Liz's dad's funeral today.

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