Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Blipper blipped!

We had a quiet morning today, but my day picked up spotted from lunchtime on. I headed across town to Abbey hill for a dental appointment. First though I popped into the Red Kite cafe for one of their delicious freshly made BLTs and a cup of tea. Today I remembered my toothbrush too!
Next across to the dentist where a replacement crown was fitted. All went smoothly thank goodness and my beauty is restored!
My next stop was to pick up the goldfish donated to my pond by the person who had taken my tropical fish off my hands. I was dropping in all my fish equipment too, so my cupboard should be much emptied but for some reason it isn't. It's arranged the fish would come ready for its journey in a large bag and brought a bucket too too sorry the bag. It's a very pretty large red orange.
Next stop was chez hazelh where Mrhh was going to help me instal his blipbrowser software on my Mac and show me how to use it.
I don't think I was a bad pupil, I'm fairly IT savvy but the friend who I'd originally asked to help me had been rather daunted. The software is now installed and most of this year's blips are safely downloaded. Some by me without assistance. I'm glad I had help though I'm not comfortable using terminal windows and Java without support. I'm going to write up my notes into a 'words of one syllable' sheet which may be helpful to others. Not sure when I'll get around to it though
The next task will be using Blurb, which I know many blippers do, to create my own blip books. What a friendly community blip is .
I was introduced to Mummy Hh while I was there as she enjoyed her post prandial horizontal relaxation session.
Hazel took me out into their lovely, transformed and very productive garden and even offered me the first of their raspberries which look to have a good crop. (I turned it down it wasn't quite ready and others are more deserving of that honour!) The canes came from us originally so I was glad to see them settled in, I think this must be year 3 or 4.
Today's blip is blipper hazelh by her very pretty little pond with its population of plump tadpoles. I have tadpole envy.

We have the elder two granddaughters here overnight and I'll be taking them to school in the morning, I meant to have an early night but have failed.... Ah well!

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