But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Bring me the Head.

We had nothing specific booked for our last day in Bergen, so we capitalised on the knowledge gained on the walking tour by following its approximate route and venturing inside some of the attractions we only knew from their outsides.
In the mid-14th century, The German Hanseatic League controlled trade in Bryggen. The traders, being bachelors with no family commitments, were wealthy with certain needs, so the oldest street in Bergen, just behind their warehouses, was the home of the oldest profession.
St Mary’s Church on the edge of the Hanseatic sector of the city is (allegedly) the oldest building in Bergen, and possibly Norway, is lavishly decorated and was recently restored with work finishing in 2015.
In spite of their web site stating uncompromisingly that photography isn’t allowed, my rather conspicuous camera was welcomed with open arms
Tucked away in a dim corner was the subject of the Blip. I was amused by the humour in the painting, intentional or otherwise, and seemingly more than a little sacrilegious; describing myself as a devout atheist, it doesn’t bother me – but I can’t speak for members of the normal congregation.

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