
By TrishaR

Birthday Party

This is my cousin Paul, who is giving a small speech at his 65th birthday party celebration at Timberyard on Sunday afternoon.

It was quite an emotional speech as he was thanking people that had supported him after having a stroke, 10 days after his wedding day and 60th birthday exactly 5 years ago!  He has made a full recovery, after nearly dying, and has transformed his life since then.  Retiring from a stressful job, eating better and managing his weight.  He looks very well.  

Timberyard is really cool inside with an outdoor area too that has a tree for shade which was great for today as it was hot!  Met and chatted to a variety of folks, a few that were over from South Carolina and Georgia where Seselee , Paul's wife is from.  There was food too but it was a wee bit too fancy for me. The place has got one Michelin Star so it's all little bits of this and that in unknown sauces.  I did like the crab and something tasty with it but the best was the chocolate truffles.    I noticed that one of the teenagers there was at the table eating something from Greggs and Subway - lol!  There was also different wines but I had the fizzy elderflower that they make there and it had a super flavour.

It was great seeing Paul again and he's over here till end of August so will catch up again before he goes back to Atlanta.

We got the tram back to the park and ride and then home to another get together.  This time it was our three doors up neighbour who was having a charity garden event in aid of the cancer ward at Ninewells.  before going there though we went and picked up Lucca from her sister and nephews.  Ben was funny as he told us that he was in Starbucks in the queue and two girls came up to him giggling, asking if he was in Les Mis.   Yes, he said.  They went away and then came back with a friend on FaceTime on their phones and asked Ben to say Hi to her.  He did and then they ran away giggling again.  He had no idea who they were......

Had some more food there and it was lovely sitting out in the garden in a very warm summer's evening.  I went to take the dog a walk round the block and started to feel sick, all that different food didn't have a good impact on my gut, so I went home and stayed there,  Put the football on but groaned a few times and not just with the stomach pains!

Rich food def doesn't agree with me.  But it was a good day.

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