
By carliewired

83 F/ 28 C

Up early with a 
list of jobs that need doing-
coffee's essential


My daughter and I were out the door at 5:30 heading for the office. We had a major task to perform, then we were on our way to breakfast. 

I insist on coffee while she prefers tea. I order eggs and she avoids them. It makes an interesting contrast. 

Next stop was the grocery store so we can feed our handyman who will be arriving midmorning to work for the day. What would we do without him?

I've been trying for 3 weeks to engage a plumber so our flooring can be installed downstairs. I'm batting zero. I should call the flooring store today to move our install to September. 

It's a week on now and I've yet to hear from any specialist after my visit to the Emergency Department last Tuesday. I'm beginning to despair. Do I return to the Emergency Department this week? 

We're in for a couple of cooler days this week. So far, it's been a very unKamloops summer. 

^^^I've used Fotor's "Monet Waterlily" to modify my photos. 

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