Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Eagles, lightnings, camels and sunsets

Maggy and I took ourselves off to Boat Harbour today to watch the whales go by.   We settled in a vantage spot only to have the 3 of the first extra go past at eye level.  I was sitting on a rocky headland that would be lucky to be 50 metres above sea level so they were pretty low.   8 in total passed us but only three at eye level.   In between whales I looked up to see this sea eagle, next minute he swooped down behind some rocks but took off with a fish in his claws.  We then drove to Birubi to see the sunset, Maggy is looking appreciatively at it in the last extra but lo and behold the camels were doing their sunset thing which is odd for a Tuesday and not school holidays, or perhaps they have started early as some schools may have already broken up.  They are the second extra.

Just as I was admiring the sunset, T rang and said did I want to come over to dinner.   Well who doesn't want to avoid cooking if you can, so I am just home and it is a school night so I will have to catch you when I can.

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