Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Port Appin Breadvan

Not the snappiest of headlines but that's what it is - a pic of a bread van. But read on please, there are connections with the real world too! The old black and white bread van pic was taken by me.

In 1964 I was hitch-hiking with a pal from Spennymoor to Fort William. Going through Old Kilpatrick very early in the morning a United Bakeries Glasgow Co-op bread van picked us up and took us to Crianlarich. He turned off for Oban and we set off walking along the A82. I've always fancied making a model of this vehicle because I quite like the shape of the old Thames Traders and this driver made the journey memorable because he was a really pleasant bloke, shared his tea with us and ciggies (though I didn't smoke).

After a short walk up a long hill another lorry stopped and picked us up, a red/maroon cattle truck going to The Great Glen Cattle Ranch outside Fort William. You may have seen that lorry somewhere before.

Now all we need in Port Appin is a branch of the Tarbert Harbour Co-operative Society. I've started on the decals. (No comments about stamps/divis or store horses please)

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