secret garden

By freespiral

Spiky hammocks

Still running a day late!  A murky day that got murkier as the day progressed. It looked more like autumn in the garden with all the dewy webs illuminated and the snails had had a party in the polytunnel -yes, those are snail trails (see extra) I did a bit of work in there as it is getting out of hand!  Spinach and beetroot impressive but my peas are all pods and the broadbeans have flopped. 
Then I went to meet some friends for a pizza - ex colleagues and we always meet up at this time, the end of term, and reminisce. I had a very good Greek salad in the end followed by an affogato -  a new experience for the other two and one I think they will be repeating.
On my way home I dropped in tot he Air India disaster memorial for the anniversary had just occured. Sobering and heart-breaking as always, the sheer number of  people who were killed (331) is just beyond comprehension, and so many children. 

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