Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Mum and cubs

Day 10. Early start as they had to do the mandatory zodiac and polar bear warning talk, as we were on the boat last week, we were allowed to miss it which meant we had the outer decks almost to ourselves, which was nice and peaceful. Morning as a zodiac cruise at Ingeborgfjellet lots to seabirds, a few reindeer but it was calm and sunny. After lunch we were having a rest when they announced they had seen a polar bear with 2 cubs. Couldn’t see them from the ship but we headed out in the zodiacs to find her. After a bumpy wet ride, we found her and spent the next 90 minutes following her as she walked along the shore, over a ridge to the next bay and then finally onto the pack ice. Great to see her and I managed to get some OK photos despite being a long way off and in a bouncy boat. Back to the ship to warm up and get ready for dinner. Ship headed out to look for whales, just as we were getting ready for bed they found some. Spent a great 90 minutes on the top deck looking at up to 8 blue whales blowing around the ship some of them quite close.

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