Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Wet Baldrick

Bakdrick had a good brush and shampoo today. Grace had only the brush as she us not feeling great.
It was quite a battle. I have to take turns with them as they both want to be brushed at the same time. Grace sits in the wrong position and Baldrick has to jump all over me.
Baldrick's fur is self cleaning and doesn't smell at all. 
I gave Baldrick his name before I even met him. My lovely, country neighbours owned his mother, who was a cocker mix and his father was an elderly border collie, but I didn't know that when I ordered him.
We were between German shepherds and we wanted a small rustic dog with a potentially long lifespan, to keep her company when she became available. 

Sadly, people who live off the land, are able to slaugher animals, whether chickens, rabbits, pigs or puppies without being upset.
So many of Baldrick's siblings came into and out of this world as a natural course of events.
Sometimes they kept one and sometimes not, until, eventually, she took to giving birth far from home and didn’t allow the puppies to come near her owners.
I begged our friend to allow us to take one of her next puppies. I had the name ready because I knew he would be scruffy and savvy like his mother and the tv series character from whom I borrowed his name. 
When I first saw him, I new he was exactly right for the part.
He was 13 last february and is still as fit as a puppy. Although he is half border collie,he didn't get the .the brain. Not that he is daft, just that if you ask him to sit, he will stay standing and if you ask him to come, he will go. 
He is chief comunicater. If  something is wrong, such as his dinner is late, somebody walks past the front gate, the phone needs answering  or it is time for us to get out of bed in the morning, he is the official barker.  Grace is more concerned with cats in the back garden and making sure that Baldrick is where she has put him. She is a control freak. He cannot go anywhere without her consent.

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