Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Still on the theme of beach huts and especially for certain blip friends, I decided to get up early and walk along the prom to Bournemouth, so at 8.15 I was on my way! It was a lovely walk with just enough breeze to keep me cool - the only problem was runny eyes and nose - so I called into Boots the Chemist. The Pharmacist doesn't think it's hayfever, but I have got some eye drops as she thinks my eyes might be dry.

Here is my take for the HeartFreek July Photo Challenge for DOOR - or perhaps that should be DOORS as there are rather a lot of them

I love these beach huts and have made a collage so you can all enjoy the wonderful colours. They are painted with Crown Paints Sadolin range in case anyone is interested in painting their own garden shed.

These may only be sheds but they are definitely "upmarket" sheds beach huts. Incidentally have just read in The Times that a beach hut at Mudeford, just along the coast, is on the market for £200,000 but you can sleep in it for up to 10 months a year. Better go and see about selling up the house!!

Still beautiful and sunny here today, but much more cloud around - just hope there isn't too much over Cheltenham, where Mr. HCB is watching cricket - rang him just now and the team he supports is 98 for 2 at lunch, so not too bad.

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