
By Ingleman

Valeriana lecoquii

Valerian. Growing out of the stonework of the old bridge at Dinham, a precinct of Ludlow old town.

I took Hollie today for a swim in the River Teme at Dinham Weir and then we walked up the steep path to Whitcliff Common, through delectable woodland with fine views of Ludlow Castle. From the woods you cannot see the River Teme but you can certainly hear it as tumbles over the weir far below.

The old bridge seems to have been colonised by prolific drifts of Valerian and other wild flowers. It is an amazing sight at this time of year and from river level it appears the bridge has been splashed with pink emulsion!

I think this time of year is fabulous, for fresh growth, lush grasses and superb colour.

And ancient stones which glow in the sunlight. and birdsong, and the sound of rivers in full flow, on their journey to the sea.

Love it. Love it all!

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