..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T


The day was pretty much wiped out by a migraine but I managed to shake it off around 5pm in time to see an odd phenomena - there was bright sunshine and a full sea fog, visibility about 100m.
Jess was off shopping so I nabbed a lift down to the harbour in the hope of lighthouses appearing in the fog. No dice, the harbour was clear of fog. I wandered out on the northern harbour arm hoping for something, lighthouses are always an option but the light was too bright.
I was just thinking I'd sit about doing a bit of sun bathing when I heard an unusual bird call like a Keeyahhh.. Looking around there were a squadron of Terns wheeling around and diving in catching sandeels..
These are on a par with Swallows for difficult photography in flight but I did my best,   1/4000, burst mode on.. 245 shots later and probably a third just showing a ripple on the surface of the sea I was done..
I'm not entirely sure what the terns are, I wish I had recorded the calls..
Looking them up it seems they may be Sandwich Terns. They had black bills with a clear/yellowish tip..
If there is a Tern expert about I'd be pleased to find out...
Blip is a Tern taking off with Sandeel, and thought I'd do a montage for a flavour of the action.

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