
By HareBrain

Puffin Heaven

Apart from meeting one of my favourite Artists in person last Tuesday, this was another red letter day of our trip.  A boat ride over to Inner Farne  with several skilful stops by our super Skipper to other islands along the way.  The weather was set fair but a with a keen sea breeze on the boat and on the island.  We saw seals basking and swimming and loads of Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Razor Bills and then the adorable Puffins.  My blip shows a poor soul waiting patiently to bring its precious but small load of Sand Eels to its Puffling, but the Ranger said it was probably a little intimidated by all us photographers and the army of gulls waiting to snatch the meal.  Lots of squabbling going on.  I feel so sorry for the Puffins battling to provide for their families, the robber gulls are a problem and more serious is  the declining numbers of their food source of sand eels.

A lovely boat ride back to Seahouses and a fish 'n' chip supper to round off a perfect day.  

Sadly the  Pizzeria you recommended Aliscotia shuts on a Monday :-(

Extra. Collage.  Mr HB is bombed once again by the Terns!

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