Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Sweet Little Trumpets…

… Well. I shan’t be needing a hot water bottle this evening! It’s not sunny but it is warm (almost so much as when you step off a plane in a warm country).

I procrastinated most of the day about posting a letter (an uphill walk is required).
Go me, for leaving it until the last minute and still catching the post. A little win, in a competition no one knew about but me.

I was an overdue baby apparently, so it must be in my nature to leave things until the very last minute? (Why go? I’m comfortable here!). Clearly haven’t learned a thing from that occasion, when my birth (I was told) very nearly killed my Mother.

Back to the studying then. I’ve organised all the pencils (and sharpened them) and lined up all the snacks.
Better get on with The Business bit.

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