Foxy's Folio


Too Much Cheese Before Bedtime?

Certainly the stuff of nightmares, this is a detail from Giotto’s depiction of The Last Judgement, which fills one wall of The Scrovegni Chapel, which we visited this morning.

Scrovegni was a local bigwig who commissioned Giotto to decorate his chapel with frescoes in 1301. The results shows the story of Christ from pre-Nativity to Resurrection in a series of frames, finishing with The Last Judgement. The 2nd extra gives some idea of the whole chapel, while the one of the Judas Kiss shows how remarkably many of them have been preserved.

After a morning visit and a spot of lunch we walked down to the Botanical Gardens which were established in the 1500s as a collection of medicinal plants by the University and have been in the same place ever since. Unfortunately, the recently built greenhouses, displaying plants from different climates were closed for renovations and there weren’t many plants in bloom elsewhere in the gardens.

By this time the heat and cultural burn out were kicking in so we headed back to the apartment to cool down and pack for the journey home tomorrow.

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