
By KatesGardenPDX

Class Tomorrow!

My summer class - Plant ID: Annuals and Perennials - starts tomorrow at our local community college. I teach in the Landscape Technology Department and this will be my 7th year teaching this class. I changed it up a bit this year, feeling that the students really need to learn at least some climate appropriate plants in addition to the typical nursery plants. It was more work for me, but in the end I think it will be useful. I'm always a bit on edge the day before class starts, so I spent the entire day making sure that the details were sorted....and there's a lot of them! I'll teach approximately 90-100 plants over the course of 9 weeks. The class is 5 hours long and we spend much time in the field and in the lab, and then I beat the boring head-spinning stuff into them in the classroom...Latin binomial plant names, including learning Latin root words. Plant taxonomy - how plants are classified, and on it goes. Fortunately I'm a bit of a clown and we have a lot of fun. And field trips - 3 or 4 of them this term! 

So that's what I did today. But I did get out my iPhone macro lens to try again. I think I've got a couple of winners here. Know what they are?

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