
By JanetMayes

It was a cloudier day, with intermittent light rain. J watched the series finale of Dr Who, which she enjoyed hugely, and I made the second batch of elderflower cordial. At teatime, when the rain had stopped,  I went to water the tomato plants and discovered my pot of rocket in the greenhouse had started to flower. I cut off the creamy flowers, which are simple and pretty, along with some running-to-seed parsley; then added purple toadflax, which is one of the pretty weeds which I generally leave to grow, and some of the invasive but appealing quaking grass which we accidentally imported from our last garden and has now invaded a lot of my pots. I'm no flower arranger, but I like the colours and the lightness of it all. I couldn't find a light and bright enough place to photograph it indoors, but it's now on the shelves beside the window where the morning sun catches it and casts shadows.

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