My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd


Today I was all ready to do some gardening when I received a message from my friend Mark that he has broken his Collarbone in 3 places in a Bicycle Accident, so can't help in the garden for a while.
Then a Status popped up in my facebook saying Bohemia Gardens have an open day today; so that was it; plans changed & off I went to Bohemia Gardens, but I couldn't find it, so I asked some local people & they pointed me in the right direction through Summerfields Woods.where I found a pond; it looked amazing.
I walked on & asked another local & I was almost there.
What a lovely place, full of welcoming people & lots of pretty plants & Vegetables; plenty of stalls & music playing by a Band.
I bought 3 plants & the lady who I bought them from showed me an easier way to get out.
On my way home I stopped off at a little Plant Centre where I bought another plant.
A lovely day was had by me, shame my friends had other plans.
Once home I had lunch & went into the garden to prune back the Bay Hedge & dig out the Grape vine I no longer want.

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