
By PorridgeWog

Towards Feolquoy (Day 3331)

Today has been a good day.
I had a dry wander with Sigyn before breakfast. There wasn't even enough dew on the grass to get my boots wet.
A bit later my beautiful wife and I headed to the horses and got George and Red out for a really great ride up on the moors. Although not reaching the crazy speeds of yesterday, George still had his speedy feets on and thoroughly enjoyed himself.
Back to Mum's for lunch and then out with Sigyn as the thing haar broke up and the sun came out.
I spent the rest of the afternoon clocking up around 115 (s)miles on my bike. It was a bit of a shakedown run after the engine re-build, so I didn't thrash the bike, but it was really great to have a decent trundle. I must do it more often. There was no blubbing in my helmet today, just smiles.

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