Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


John stubbornly persists with this relic. On arrival in Geneva he discovered that the Swiss had turned off 2G some years ago so he was stuffed. He’s now proudly telling everyone that he managed just fine when in fact he had to rely on my smartphone for the duration. It’s like having a child with me, I have to show all his tickets and boarding passes. On the plus side he only has to charge it up once a week.

There have been terrible floods in Zermatt and the surrounding area this weekend - Zermatt has been cut off (it’s a very expensive place to be stranded!). Thankfully the worst seems to be over and hopefully they can start getting back to normal.

Last night John and I decided to watch The Eiger Sanction as we’d not seen it for probably 40 years. Oh dear! So much casual and commonplace sexism, racism and homophobia - I don’t remember that at all, which I’m sure demonstrates how normalised it was in the 70s. And Clint Eastwood really isn’t much of an actor - he gets by on pure charisma. Some nice scenery though!

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