
By pandammonium

Cat companion comes back

Remember that little white cat with the tabby tail that snoozed in Henry for ages a few months ago? I saw it again today on the path. We said hello, but we didn’t chat for long: it was important that the cat went to the foot of a small tree.

I was at day one of the second writing retreat at Churchill College.

We did some of our own writing, then we did some writing from a prompt. Some of us read out what we’d written. It’s amazing what you can write in a few minutes.

After lunch, we went through how we’ve each been getting on, then heard some more readings, including a very short piece I’d been inspired to write last night. I saw a quote posed as a prompt, and the rest leapt out at me, and I had to get it down, even though it was really late.

After tea/dinner, those of us who remained gathered round a table in the sun and talked about all sorts of stuff, then we heard two pieces, longer than we normally get because we had the time. They were cracking, each for different reasons.

Day two tomorrow!

This year, I haven’t had to ferry Mr Pandammonium around because they changed the date of the Pathfinder March. He’s threatening to walk to Cambridge for a lift home tomorrow, though.

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