
By amandoAlentejo

Love Contrabando

Got distracted walking down to the market, when I greeted the owner of a delightful little shop that opened a few years ago, and we got into conversation, including showing him about Blipfoto (not easy, though, if you don't have much English). Called Contrabando in reference to the fact that a lot of folk who lived here, near the border with Spain, were involved in contraband trading during the dictatorship years, especially coffee from Brazil.

Here a short video about Mourão, featuring his daughter, Aurora, and the shop - but also the beauty and culture of this place.

Afternoon spent in a workshop at the library, brainstorming ideas on how to promote it more - part of a project in ten local towns, linked to Évora being European Capital of Culture in 2027.

- all your hearts and comments for my post-sunset Blip yesterday, thanks! so good having a decent camera again
- listening to Paul practice his sermon for tomorrow, quite moving, actually
- interacting with an interesting group of people at the library event

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