
By Hamp5on

Oramos Por Ti

The main event of the day was this parade with the various churches in Ibiza, part of a wider Spanish event happening all over. To be honest, I was dreading it, but it was sooo good. The Brazilian church led with their incredible drumming and they were insanely talented (see extra for how cool the lead guy was). We walk danced our way to their amazing music, it took over an hour to go a short distance. The police were amazing closing roads etc... Eventually we got to the Vara de Rey where there were a few prayers in Catalan, Spanish and English (which I did!). Such an unexpectedly brilliant night, felt like a little taste of heaven, right on our doorstep.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Our 2 church expressions coming together this evening, Marcial and the Sa Penya church, and the ES church. 
2) Asha and Nate continuing their tradition of making a den on the first day of the holidays.
3) How beautiful tonight was, and how deeply moving drumming is. The Brazilians were so so joyful with it!

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