
By dogwithnobrain

I've got my orange crush

This is last night's view in daylight 

Very pleasant it is too

The description said 'side-sea-view'. Turns out it is right there in front of us

We woke at 939 and by some miracle managed down to breakfast for 950. .we took our time and examined the surrounding a

Always difficult isn't it.  First day new place 

Dining room lovely.  Staff lovely 

We bimbled down the beach a little. Holy Christ but it is hot.   Came back had a lovely cool drink. Spoke to rep.  Spoke to silly shop man who I made a broken pinkie promise to.  

We bimbled around until lunch time when we went and took an hour and a bit for lunch. Ans then I had to retire to bed 

I am knackered 

When I woke.  Himself had found beach towels and also fallen asleep.  We stayed there til 1800 when we dragged ourselves out.  Had a lovely dinner;  a little walk along the prom. And then drinks on the terrace 

I am knackered 

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