Ingunn in Oslo

By IngunnInOslo

Beauty in the garden..

Westerland roses are one of my favourite roses,. They didn't survive the harsh, cold winter,  but I'm not giving up to have them for several years. 

A in Gaza posted this today: 
I have never been bitter over the fact that I'm born with disabilities. But I never imagined what my disabilities would mean during this horrendous war. The bombs over our heads, everyone running. Impossible to use the wheelchair, so I had to crawl  centimetre by centimetre, beside me dead bodies all over, some I had to crawl over....people in panic running over me, I was screaming of pain and fear, shouting, begging for help. Then I turned to God, asked Him to give me legs to walk with, just for half an hour, just enough to run and flee like the others.  Today I struggle with guilt that I asked for the impossible. Today I beg God for forgiveness saying that I was so scared, so insane scared.

Like so many others, A is just trying to cope hour for hour, and it will take a long time before she is able to even get near those feelings towards those responsible for all the bombs, the massacres, the starvation and homelessness.... Over 2 millions are traumatised. I can even imagine how a whole population will heal. 

#CeasefireNow #NotATarget

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