An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Spot the toadstool...

Once again, today. hasn't been as sunny as anticipated, but it has been dry so that's something.

Met friends Keith and Mairi at the golf club for lunch.  The new caterers are amazing and they were both impressed with the extensive menu. David and Keith had curries and Mairi had a lamb keema burger (the caterer is Indian so the curries are superb) I had a fajita wrap, which was also delicious.

We didn't have a dessert though as I had some treacle scones waiting to go into the oven at home, so we headed back to ours and enjoyed them straight from the oven with butter for me and Mairi, and jam and clotted cream for D & K. It's the first time I've ever made them and it won't be the last.  Delicious.  Used this recipe but only used two tablespoons of treacle as thought four would be a bit overpowering.  I'd say I made a good call.  

Had a lovely afternoon with K & M before they headed off just before 5pm.  Mairi has commissioned a roof slate painting of a thistle with bees.  Been a little while since I painted on slate so looking forward to getting started on that.

When they left the sun was shining so D and I spent a little time in the garden

I think I previously mentioned that when we were on holiday recently in North Yorkshire we passed a house on the way to Scarborough that had little toadstools for sale in the driveway.  I fell in love with them so on our last evening we stopped and bought some from the lovely man who makes them.  D fetched them from the garage so we could decide where they are going to go.

Put them under the Japanese maple to begin with but neither of us liked them there. After a few false starts they ended up in the centre bed in my blip.  I need to break a roof tile I say I, I of course mean instruct someone 
to sit them on (their maker advised against putting them directly on the ground) or find something to sit them on, so until that happens they are on the patio (see extra for a better view of them.)  I am not a huge fan of garden ornaments but these make me smile.

No need to make dinner as we are still full from lunch.  There are two treacle scones left so I suspect we may be tempted to have them with a cuppa for supper :-)

Hoping for a sunnier day tomorrow so Agnes and I can crochet in the garden.  It's all sex, drugs and sausage rolls here you know!!! :-)))

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