'Night Blip........'!!

Well this must be the latest night Blip ever....
S has just taken this pic of me...
not long ago outside on my patio in the cool of the evening Blippin away.....and unbeknownst to me she took this...
it's a bit daft..isn't it??
but it's been SOOOO>> hot here all day....it's wonderful...
but much too hot to sit out in....!
but lovely in the evening time...!
No sign of the Kitty Boy...thought he might join me...he had been following me around every step of the way as I tidied up......but I guess he must be gone on the 'night-wandrings' at this stage.....!!

Can you see my T-shirt?? S and Kitty bought it for me...
it says..."Meow Or Never"...........!!!!!

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