
By simonslife

Balancing act

A bike ride with Lorraine for her to gain confidence in her own abilities, it’s not surprising that she is constantly focusing on past events especially when she had a tumble off her bike and fractured her leg in 4 places. She has made remarkable progress but is so driven she cannot see it herself. A sumptuous chocolate brownie warmed up and with some double cream slipped down easily, followed by a fruit tea for me and a latte for Lorraine. An exiting phone call to inform me that I have a seat on the Oldenburg on Saturday to visit Lundy island and hopefully see a puffin or two.
A couple of hills to finish before getting back home and some retail therapy to get some sensible attire for tomorrow’s expedition.
I popped in to see Lesley my mother in law who has recently lost her dear sister. A nice catch up on life over a camomile tea was very pleasant.
The geese were practicing for the circus act coming up soon!
Back to Amadeus via arrange to collect my recharged iPad and a vessel to cook the 5 lb joint of pork I bought, all is well with life here and may I say thank you for all of your kindness and support again for the peculiar situation I find myself in.

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