
By Grammy

Remembering the Good Times

Another day with less than five hours of sleep. I guess old folks don’t need as much as kids. Hubby helped me put the new cages around the rest of my tomatoes. I pulled weeds, repotted my begonia and cleaned up the mess while hubby changed the oil in his SUV. It was 90°F again so we quit at lunch time. It felt good to get rid of the dirt and sweat. I washed two loads of laundry and gathered everything we were taking to the celebration of life. We got to the American Legion as Kim was unpacking her car. Everything looked nice by the time guests started arriving. Kim had reprinted at least 100 pictures that brought back memories of when my children were young. Most of the attendees remember the kids’ father from when we were married. He moved away not long after our divorce. Therefore, their association with him was also with me. It warmed my heart that one young couple came from NC to be with my son. Two folks were from our original neighborhood. And there were several of my children’s childhood as well as current friends who came to show their support. Most of their father’s family has passed but the kids’ cousins came and relived the good old days. And oh my, the food. Many people brought food but they hadn’t signed up. My children bought extra sandwich and dessert trays just to ensure there was enough since the list was short. We couldn’t give all the leftovers away. Jamie tried to say a few words before blessing the meal but he was way too overcome with emotions. He was so touched his friend came from NC and he had just learned that the father of another close friend passed today, quite unexpectedly for us. Our friend took over and did a fine job. We stayed to help clean the hall and got home at 8:15 pm. I’ve put everything away and reached my 10,000 steps. This old gal is beat, physically and emotionally. I hope your day was pleasant. It’s time for a laid back weekend. Thanks for visiting. “What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments but what is woven into the lives of others.” —THUCYDIDES

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