One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

The longest day

Poor aul P!NK. Another day of belting out toones while dangling from a wire. 
Poor aul Margaret, trying to earn a cash-in-hand-the-taxman-doesn't-need-to-know crust flogging plastic shite made in China that will end up in a skip tomorrow morning and a landfill for a few centuries. 
Back in my day, we bought a t-shirt and wore it until it disintegrated. 
I remember a U2 War concert t-shirt that got washed more often than Bono's mullet in the 80s. 
Them were the days. A t-shirt was for life. Nearly. A mullet too was for life. Nearly. 

Later I bailed out of a boring football match at half time and went for a swim. Might as well, it was bright till after 10pm. 
Unlike the football, the swim was exciting. 

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