This is the day

By wrencottage

Bereavement anniversary cards

I had an appointment with my audiologist at lunchtime, to collect my hearing aids that had been away for repair.  I’ve only had them for two years, and the battery on one hearing aid was running down before the end of the day. I was pleased to be told that both aids had been replaced with brand new ones.

I also tried out the new ear moulds, but there was a slight technical problem which meant that they will have to go back to the factory for a minor adjustment. However, I came home wearing the new hearing aids (with my previous ear buds fitted), so hopefully I will no longer have to constantly ask people to repeat what they said to me, as I have been doing for the past three weeks when I was without my aids.

This afternoon I’ve printed off seven A4 sheets of six of these photos, showing a rainbow over our church, and 42 card blanks. They are used by the pastoral ministry team at church to send a message of remembrance to people on the first anniversary of the death of loved one whose funeral was held at All Saints’. Sadly, the pastoral ministry team get through a lot of these cards.

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