Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

The Canadian Book Club

Elyn ( 2nd from left) across the Bay had her book club here and they invited me to join them for dinner and book discussion.    Being the princess, I wasn’t comfortable going there and rocking the boat with my unsteady and food issues.    SO… they said..”they love a field trip” and brought wine and snacks over to our deck today and we did discuss a few of the stories in Alice Munro’s  Runaway.    a bit depressing we all thought.  My whole book club once did go there and we each had a book to talk about…they remembered it more than I did ..not sure which books we read……( edit:  Dreamer by Charles Johnson (ours) and Famous Last Words” by Timothy Finley (theirs) 2007) as these lovely gals are 20 years younger and remarked on the extra experience we had with race issues in our country. ON the other hand, one of them who was in grade school remembers her school being  let out when JFK died.     We had some lovely fun hours talking about all sorts of things and catching up and watching the birds  It was SO NICE of them to come over..we enjoyed it a lot.    Very nice women.   ( We're all squeezed in a bit of shade here … not yet accustomed to “summer”)

Also it’s the solstice and it could not be a prettier day.   Will try to catch the sunset and the moon.

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