Big Hill

By bighill


I have known Carolin for 50 years....she was a huge part of my years living in Toronto when i first came to Canada from Scotland.  She, Carol and Celia were my best friends then, we did so much together, partying, skiing, camping in the summer...what a blast those early years were....basically from 1974 - 1982, when i moved to go to Art College.   We all remained in touch, meeting up for lunches and dinners....sadly Celia died very suddenly around 1990....while i was living in Muskoka.   And now, almost 40 years later we,  Carolin, Carol and I are still in touch, usually a couple of times a year to fill each other in on what is going on!

She still lives in Ontario, and her and her partner John, were coming to Nova Scotia for a wedding and decided to drive up to Baddeck for the night and visit me and to meet Terry!!  What a friend eh!  It has been over 20 years since the last time we 'saw' each other, but it was as if no time had passed at all.   We explored Big Hill, and i had such a good time showing her what we have got going on here.   Then at the dinning room table, beer, wine...cheese and crackers and lots of chatting. see extra!

We headed down to Giselle's (where they have rented a room) and they treated us to dinner.  It was a glorious evening and we sat out on the patio...more laughter and chatting.

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