
By dreaming


I got to dialysis a little earlier than usual today and the person whose parking spot I always get right by the door was still parked.  So foolishly I parked elsewhere and came out to a burning hot car that had been in the sun for hours on an 82 degree day.  Next time I will just wait for that person to come for his car and pull in as soon as he is out.

So this is me at dialysis, wearing my neck support, my mask, ear buds and two blankets  And that's the dialysis machine up close.  It was an OK day and I got out early because I arrived early.  Then came home and turned on all three ceiling fans, which do a great job of keeping me cool unless the temperature goes higher.  I keep the blinds and drapes closed while I'm out to prevent the sun from heating my apartment unnecessarily.

I'm glad I have a day off tomorrow.  I might get an oil change and/or a Covid shot or do nothing productive at all. 

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