Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH


A few things to do this morning including waiting in for the man to service the boiler, so after lunch I went for a walk across Kelling Heath.  The plants on the heath are really growing up well so the ferns and foxgloves are looking superb.  I wanted to get these foxgloves in the edge of the shot and as I was using my monopod I walked down along the fence until I found a small bare patch of soil to stand.  The leg of the monopod sank into the earth a little and it was only when I looked down that I realised why the earth was bare; I was standing on an ant's nest!

After a small relocation Hercules came roaring up the hill, working hard up the slope.  Here it has just come over the crown of the hill at Windpump Crossing and is on the final downhill run into Holt station.

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