
By PaulaJ


When I am in Carlisle I often look up at this building on the corner of Bank Street as I think it is rather fine. It was built in 1849 for Carlisle and District Bank Co. It is built in Portland stone and has granite pillars. You can just see to the right the hooded doorway of the manager’s house next door. It is now HSBC.

As Carlisle’s industry developed the need for banks grew. By 1811 there were five privately owned banks in the city. They didn’t survive, but the buildings did.

“You are now Number 724 in the queue”
How come I was ready, with finger hovering to press the ‘join the queue’ button the moment it appeared at 10am, but was then told I was at 951 in the queue! How had 950 people managed to get ahead of me? Anyway it was very efficient and the numbers soon went down until, just minutes before we had to leave so I could get to Carlisle for a hair appointment, I was ‘front of the queue’ and could buy the tickets I wanted.

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