Out and About

By Puffin


We had a Camera Club day out to the Threlkeld Mining Musum.  Diggerland for Grown Ups. Owners of vintage excavators keep them here and turn up on Excavator open days to dig at granite spoil. There are dozens here.  One example in extras to show you the the rather splendid backdrop of Blencathra. We toured the maintenance sheds (special access for us) where I got lots of photos of rusty spare parts. The museum has so much information on the hundreds of mines that  used to operate in Cumbria that your head very quickly starts to spin with information.  I suggested to our guide that this was a graveyard for excavators. He was offended. Apparently at least 2/3 of them still work. The Blip though is of some tipper trucks . Satellite view shows the old workings ( quarry closed in the 1960s)  the rail lines and if you look carefully , all the excavators.

Then lunch in the excellent Threlkeld Coffee Shop in the village.  

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