Cat's Paw

By catspaw

Dragonfly Pond

I discovered this small pond for the first time today, a little upstream of the 'North Pole' (for those who know their Winnie the Pooh and its actual Ashdown Forest locations).

The main wildlife that fascinated me here today was an assertive male Hairy Dragonfly (Brachytron pratense), confidently seeing off a number of other dragonflies that were after its 'Patch' and fully living up to the description (in Steve Brooks & Richard Lewington's Field Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Great Britain and Ireland) of its "typical low-level 'zig-zagging' flight in and out of clearings among fringing reeds and other vegetation" around still bodies of water such as this, as well as its habit (very evident in today's bright but cloudy weather) of disappearing quickly into cover whenever clouds obscure the sun.

Now, can you see it in this photograph? (Or is it only its reflection on the water surface you can see?)

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