Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Cardiocrinum Giganteum

This morning we went for a walk around the gardens at Dunham Massey with Mum. It is more of a winter gardens in my opinion, but in the summer there are a few areas to see, including a nice rose garden and this time we were lucky to get the timing right to see this very tall plant. 

Here is what is written about it. 

"To see this giant lily flower is a rare sight as they only flower for barely a week and only once in it's lifetime. 
The cardiocrinum grows very slowly for the first six years of its life. In its seventh year, it quickly escalates to a height of up to 3.5m before producing a spectacular display of flowers for a short period in June. It then dies, leaving behind brown seed pods. 
The plant is found in parts of China, Burma and the Himalayas. This is one of the largest plantings in the United Kingdom".

It was such a lovely morning with the deer lying in the sunshine and a very comfortable 23 degrees. An impression of some of the other plants is in extras.

Afterwards we went to Ego's for lunch and now are just waiting to see how much agony England will put us through in the football. 

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