Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

Learning New Things

Wherever we are in our lives, we can learn new things. It's beneficial to our minds and often to our bodies too.

For those of you who recently learnt of the death of Dr. Michael Mosley, you will probably know of the many great books he wrote on health, besides his very informative television series.

I already had several of his books.  He is well-known for his ideas on intermittent fasting for long-term health. Those who have needed to lose weight have also benefitted from the book : 'The Fast 800'.

I am rereading the books and have joined an online group of the same name. I'm doing a seven-day free trial before I decide if I want to join and subscribe for 12 weeks. I get daily menu propositions and so far they are simply delicious!

I included some crocheted daisies (popcorn flowers), just because that is what I'm making right now. They somehow replace the sun that isn't shining today!

I shall be interested to hear if anyone else has followed The Fast 800 and what you thought of it.

Eating healthier and following a low impact exercise plan can only have beneficial effects. The base of this way of eating is eating more protein, plenty of vegetables, using olive oil and herbs and spices. The first phase does not contain any carbohydrates and sugar is totally eliminated. Some different fruits (mostly berries) are also included.

Here is the link for anyone interested:

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