A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Meet Milo..

… a new kid on our early walk! Just a visitor from Scotland, Milo is still a pup and his friend Gizmo, who we’ve met before, are just here for a couple of days. 

Milo ran everywhere but was pretty good at coming when called. He was a bit freaked out meeting Dizzy and Pip, regulars who joined us on the field and was not quite as keen as Gizmo at heading into the water at Coppice Pond but it was great to have them accompany us today. (Apparently he was soon fast asleep in the car on his way home to the next village with Wilsden Walker)

It is, at last, summer. Walking this morning in short sleeves and then spending the whole morning in the garden. Stopped when Chris brought out coffees and said he was taking the two full bags of garden waste to the tip. I did carry on pulling a few more things out that will start a new bag but then came in for lunch.

It is the summer solstice this evening so the longest day and shortest night tonight. More warm weather to come over the coming days may even get hot next week according to the forecast!

Didn’t see any ducklings or cygnets this morning though I’m sure they were around, but the young goslings are now nearly full grown, so quick - extra

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