
By Groggster

All Saints And Fast Cars

Today's image was taken after our usual food shop and of course customary Sunday pint at The Horseshoes.
This is a continuation of our Kent churchyard tour which on this occasion occurred more by accident than design. We've passed along this road in West Farleigh nearly every Sunday without taking much notice of the sign directing you down a narrow lane towards All Saints church and West Farleigh Cricket Club and we did so again today but then after we had imbibed our pints we thought we should double back and investigate further.
It's a small but lovely Grade 1 listed Norman church built originally in approximately 1100 AD and restored in 1875 with a wonderfully atmospheric churchyard which sits on the slopes of the River Medway with glorious views over the neighbouring valley and across to the hills beyond. Opposite the church is the cricket ground which has been described in the cricketing bible Wisden as "one of the most beautiful in England" and I can attest it really is in sublime setting - I'm quite sure that if I could actually play cricket it would distract me from my batting, bowling or fielding!
Again I couldn't really get an image that I thought would do it all justice and so set about looking for another quirk. This is when I came across this set of covers with its depiction of a fast car on the boundary of the cricket ground, which they use to protect the wicket during matches when inclement weather intervenes to stop play, and decided to combine it with a view back across to the church - I just liked the the juxtaposition and incongruity.

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