
By Ridgeback13


A bit better night, then up early to drop A at work so I was at my screen earlier than usual. More reading, this time for final prep for this afternoon’s meeting.
Had my first dental appointment for a long time - I’ve signed up with the one on my street so at least it’s convenient! It wasn’t quite the same environment as my last place but I’ll give it a try before I decide which to stick with. A couple of little fillings to do but I’ll get them done next month so I was soon home and back to the reading.
Bright most of the day but when I came to walk down to town it suddenly got quite dark and so I put my coat on but in the end didn’t need it and in fact it was quite warm. The meeting was interesting and we had some good news on fundraising, then walked home again. As I came out of the meeting I caught this piper striding along the street, sporran and kilt swinging and it made me smile…what with him and the double decker tourist bus it was such a cliched Edinburgh scene!
Back home I had a welcome microsleep and then continued with reading. Chatted to the homeswap people for next week about the uncertainty over our trip given N being ill. He’s out of hospital now but K doesn’t yet know if he’ll be well enough for her to be able to leave him and her Mum to cope alone. Fingers crossed!

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