Capital adventures

By marchmont


It's that time of year when sunset through the window (after 10 now) is obligatory. 

Long before that I'd swum and then gone into town for the interview at The Melting Pot. That went well though a thumping headache which lasted most of the day didn't help. 

Bought a meal deal in Station M&S and sat in the Gardens with my book. I then had coffee and a cream scone in Cuckoo.

Last drama today and we worked with the writer of Sunset Song on scenes from the play and there was much talk of dialect and the Doric. That was followed by almost a couple  hours of hours in the pub.

Home it was straight into the 2nd interview which was finished in time to let G see the match. I finally managed to speak to the Kiwis about tomorrow and then walked down to Margiotta for bread, cheese toastie for tea..

I fast forwarded though the remainder of Rebus I and then gave up and decided need was better. 

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