
By Melisseus

Anything but abstract

Day 5; 586 miles from Oxfordshire, but that now seems like a secondary matter

This picture could be among the last of its kind. This is what happens when a stone from an overtaking car hits a 1971 windscreen. Since those days, we have gone through iterations of safety glass technology, including tempered/toughened glass and laminated glass. No such luxury in our case; in the good old days, the entire windscreen shattered in an instant into a million deadly-sharp shards and slivers

Combined with strong, gusting wind, rain and advancing afternoon, this created quite an alarming scenario. Fortunately I have the sort of friends who rise to these occasions: analysis, objectives, strategy, tactics, action. As a consequence, I'm warm and dry in a house in Stornoway. Tomorrow will be a second day of phone calls, negotiation, people management and choices - even by the end of it we may not know clearly what happens next. An island location adds layers of complexity that insurance company administrators struggle to grasp 

I've included a selfie showing my bedroom wear. I looked at it with a wry smile as I put it on

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